I need testers!


My audios are 100% safe and extremely well-crafted, created based on in-depth studies and proven practices. Now, I’m looking for testers for a new formula I’ve developed. Throughout the process, I’ll be supporting and guiding you to ensure the best possible results.

If you choose to participate, I kindly ask you to send photos of your results — whether from the scale or your body — so we can compare and monitor your progress in detail.

I am a submaker deeply dedicated to studying the law of assumption, the workings of the human mind, and shifting practices. Recently, after observing and analyzing countless subliminals, I decided to create a revolutionary new formula.

This new approach is based on science, energy, and manifestation techniques to guarantee fast, safe, and effective results by applying the following principles:

Neuroscience: Activation of the subconscious through powerful and precise reinforcement, driving both internal and external changes.

Biology and Endocrinology: Focus on stimuli that trigger metabolic reactions and regulate hormones to accelerate body transformation.

Psychology: Directly addresses self-esteem, intention alignment, and self-perception.

Energetic Physics: Harnesses vibration and focus to synchronize the body and mind with the desired reality.

With this innovative formula, I aim to deliver real and impressive results. Together, we can prove that transforming your reality is possible and achieve something truly extraordinary!

Affirmations used:


A cada zepto segundo, meu corpo ativa uma sinfonia de reações metabólicas, queimando gordura de cada célula, fazendo com que cada parte de mim, desde os braços até as pernas, derreta em uma cascata de calorias, enquanto meu corpo se transforma na imagem perfeita de Momo Hirai.

A cada zepto segundo, meu sistema endócrino libera uma onda de hormônios que aceleram a lipólise em todas as áreas do meu corpo, derretendo a gordura abdominal, as costas e as coxas, esculpindo meu corpo com a perfeição e a graça de Momo Hirai.


Every zeptosecond, my body activates a symphony of metabolic reactions, burning fat from every cell, causing every part of me, from arms to legs, to melt in a cascade of calories, while my body transforms into the perfect image of Momo Hirai.

Every zeptosecond, my endocrine system releases a wave of hormones that accelerate lipolysis across all areas of my body, melting fat from the abdomen, back, and thighs, sculpting my body with the perfection and grace of Momo Hirai.

Below, I will share a result that one of my followers achieved using my subliminals.