Have you forgotten how the gaming industry works now?

We, gamers, have been shamelessly lied to for the last decade. With nearly every triple-A title, we are cheated out of our money. With their latest release, Bethesda and Todd Howard himself lied to us, took our money, and told us to fuck off.

Now Bethesda, and a select number of "gaming journalists" are giving praise to Starfield - while being as vague as they can. And you guys are... falling for it? Do you think Bethesda would give out a game to a journalist who could derail their entire marketing campaign with some simple observations on twitter? Bethesda sold us snake oil in the past, they will do it again.

Whatever happened to having a critical eye during these times? To not pre-order? What reason do we have to believe that they are not lying to us? Their interest is to sell you this game. They do not and will not care if you like Starfield once you've bought it. That's how this industry has operated for the last decade. We have no reason to believe that this time will be different. Nothing has changed.

You look like fools, running to catch the next hype train. Giving your money to scamming beggars in golden suits.

Edit: I realize the last paragraph is overdramatic and invites malice. My mistake. Additionally - you obviously have every right to pre-order and hype to your hearts content. I am a Bethesda fan at heart and have been for some 15 years. I want Starfield to be a great game. However, I believe that the response to sceptisism is worrying. It's hypocritical to dismiss sceptisism and distrust so easily, whilst gullibly trusting Bethesda to break the streak of pathological lying that plagues the industry we love.