Singles is the reason y'all mad
Hear me out. I'm an adviid DP player and although I know this game has flaws I actually really enjoy it and don't know why so many people complain.
I've recently started doing singles and I have been more frustrated than I have EVER been with this game.
From the Mui BS. To everybody just looking for a jank and cheesy way to win. It's all very lame. And then most of the people on there have terrible Internet connection and use that to bolster their janky play.
I encourage everyone who doesn't do DP often to get more into it. Most of the things that you hate about the game are not as prevalent in DP. Obvious the tracking still messes up sometimes and people still cheese and internet can be bad. But you have the ability to switch characters and strategies. You have time. In singles it's so quick. DP gives you multiple characters so it's not as quick and gives you time to adjust to the BS you may be facing.
I'm just saying, the devs purposely made characters unbalanced but DP is the balance the game needs