Upcoming ‘Absolute’ rewards
Now to be clear, I’m loving the roadmap and excited for new content and this up coming drop of goodies from a hard working team focusing on quality (a far cry from other companies) but I do have a small nit pick with the upcoming cosmetics, a surprise and excitement to clearly see some inspiration from the “lieutenant with combi-weapon” model but personally I would have liked the Chitin to be a pit more prominent on the pauldron - as I’m not really feeling the “I’m him” veteran status from the reward pictured in the community update as the Lt. model looks/has.
Just a small gripe and I’m sure there are movement and in-gameplay restrictions to the size of it that they could have. That said massive thanks to the devs for their work, who even knew we’d get a Space Marine sequel in the first place.
Courage and Honor brothers, see you on the battlefield.