Questions/Concerns about Gyno
First, I want to make this very clear I do not plan on being a Seahorse dad (Though everyone who is, is absolutely amazing). r/FTM banned me from posting there for the stupidest reason so I can't ask there. My question revolves around gynos and being seahorse dad's, I can only assume you see a gyno.
All that being said, if this is still not the right place to ask, please delete my post and i apologize in advance. I also apologize this doesn't have anything to do with pregnancy. I've read the rules.
Onto my concerns, questions, what have you. I am 22 as of Nov and have never been to a gyno. My mother is forcing me out of concern and the appt seems to be coming closer and closer. She's told me I'll be checked on the first appt but i am absolutely terrified. Mainly because of horror stories I've heard where they say "it's just a pinch" and it isn't just a pinch. I'm even scared of the pap smear (which I vaguely know about. Something about a long stick with a cotton ball on the end?) I really don't know and it all scares me. Knowing about the clamps alone scares me. I'm desprate to get my uterus out just to avoid the gyno.
I think I'm just looking for reassurance and stories of good experiences. I'm sorry if this brings up any bad feelings or memories for anyone.