Weird foreign shaving request!

Buna ziua! Eu sunt un baiat din España. Am 25 ani si eu nu vorbesc romana bine so I'm gonna keep writing in english haha.

I've been learning Romanian for a few months and last year I went to Romania for a couple of weeks; Bucuresti and Brasov mainly and some small towns in the nearabouts. I loved many things of Romania, the food, the culture, the people (you can be friendly but sure are serious!), and I'm basically trying to learn the language because I'm thinking on doing there my erasmus and such.

I have this wet shaving hobby and they recommended me D'Amaris shaving cream, the one you can find at Mega Image or Carrefour, I bought a couple of tubes to try it as it was really cheap. I fell in love with it, is the cream I use almost everytime for shaving, and as my use of it is so often I'm close to run out of D'Amaris.

They don't sell it anywhere in here and I couldn't find any romanian store that ships it to Spain. So, do you have any ideas? I have a magazin romaneasca at my street but they don't sell it neither. Do you think i should ask her if she can get me some? Is there here any volunteer to buy it and ship it to me? Of course i would pay shipment and everything.

Multumesc foarte multe!