I think the next dlc should be about diplomacy and factions
so, I always thought it was so weird that factions in Rimworld had countless little identical outposts and one of them had the faction's leader residing in a random one by pure chance, and trading in the game also feels kinda lackluster to me.
then I thought it would be really cool to have a dlc called "Diplomacy", that adds different sized faction bases, e.g. capitals, outposts, etc. also it would be cool if it overhauled trading, and possibly different governmental models, so the Empire would work with an imperial-like government system, tribals would work with a simple leader, others with some sort of parlament or something.
another aspect Diplomacy could improve is the peace talks mechanic, so that it wouldn't be just a quest (so that you could offer to make peace with an enemy faction, and make it a bit more complex. you could assign an "embassador" role to one of your colonists, and have multi-faction embassies where your embassador's decisions matter in order to increase goodwill towards different factions, and make it so that if you are an ally of another faction's enemy, the goodwill with said faction's enemy would decrease. maybe you could earn the trust of both factions over time, to possibly break this hostility between them.
also, making your colony's ideoligion matter in your relationship with other factions would be pretty cool, so, maybe if your faction has a hostile/raiding-centered ideoligion, factions aren't going to become friends with you easily. your ideoligion's origin should also matter (ex, a polytheist-atheist faction relationship isn't going to work), and also conflicting memes (human primacy-animal primacy, transhumanism-body purism, collectivism-individualism)
you could also maybe have independent colonies working for you (without you directly controlling them, that would be overwhelming), with one of your colonists working as this paricular outpost's overseer.
trading would also be overhauled, with varying market prices, supply rates, maybe some temporary shortages of specific resources. the trading screen really needs a revamp lol.
so yeah, i had a lot of ideas, maybe one day they get implemented, maybe not, but i really think that having more interactions with the different factions in the game would be really cool indeed.