Kidnapping Needs To Be Fixed...

Alright so...I just lost two epic colonist both in terms of their skills but also their general vibe/potential for future stories. One of them being an abandoned child who turned into a heartless psychopath who just wanted to fight all the time. He was a 17 year old psychopath brawler who was either going to die young or live to see a future with him encased in marine armor, running full speed into a group of raider with his archotech legs. I'll spare you the others back story which was also great but he also happened to be my only doctor (by a long shot). get it.

So I got Randy'd and wound up in a horrific battle where the only one left standing was our 72 year old cook. These two got kidnapped but I looked at their health and both were at 5+ hours left until they bled out. So I ASSUMED, like a rational human being, that once they left my map their wounds would be tended and they would be stabilized. Apparently this isnt the case? Someone please correct me if I'm wrong but I believe their injuries dont get fixed. Which begs the question...why?

From a logical point of view why would pirates of all people, go through the tremendous effort of kidnapping my colonists (versus just taking my loot) only to let them bleed out? And I really dont see any circumstance where my colonists get kidnapped without having first sustained significant injuries. Injuries that will almost always cause them to eventually bleed out. So why the fuuuu...does Tynan include kidnapping if they're just going to bleed out 90% of the time anyways??

Kidnapping could be an awesome story building mechanic. They return them for ransom, maybe make you come to a spot on the map for an exchange, you could get word they're being tortured at a nearby camp and will die in x amount of days if you dont come rescue them, they could potentially get recruited and show up as part of that hostile faction during a future raid, or hell...just give me a message saying "we killed your friends" or "sacrificed them to our gods". Dont just let me get a 'my friend died' debuff because the game chooses not to heal their wounds. Incredibly immersion breaking and such a lost opportunity. Rant over. RIP Robbie Guerrero and John Banks, you will be missed.