Remarkable Impressions from a Tech Worker

Hello everyone. I'm someone who will do an hour of research to purchase nail clippers, so you can bet I spent a lot of time on this subreddit reading all of your takes. Thank you - I wanted to return the favor with my impressions of this device.

Context - Where I'm coming from

I'm a solution architect at a SaaS company who spends a lot of time drafting solutions, solving problems, doing discovery with clients, and presenting solutions to clients.

I'm not officially diagnosed but I'm fairly certain I have ADHD.

I fell in love with fountain pens in the last 2 years.

Catalyst - What got me started looking for something like this

My 2 Pilot fountain pens have precious metal nibs, and I dropped 1 of them probably from a height of 1 inch onto my notebook. It stopped writing the same after that. The other Pilot suffered a similar fate from a couple feet. My Lamy Safari Vista as well. I love fountain pens but they are delicate and I don't have a nibmeister in my area. After a couple days of using cheap ballpoint pens (ew) I was looking at the stack of 4 notebooks on my desk and thought there had to be a better solution.

The Remarkable 2

After poring over this subreddit, I purchased a refurbished RM2. I was so impressed, after 2 days it was clear this was going to change my workflow.

The device has a premium feel to it, the design of the hardware and software is delibrate and smooth, the writing experience is so nice. Yes, there are well-documented limitations, but those limitations are strong points for me as someone with ADHD. I come from pen and paper, I want to stay as close to that as possible with select tech-enabled features to make life a little bit easier.

The file directory system is intuitive, and I can navigate to the appropriate notebook quick enough during work calls. I have notebooks for learning new technical concepts, sketching out problems so I can understand them from different angles, drafting possible solutions, purely notes from 1:1s and clients, and more. They're all easy to access if I need to recall something from weeks ago. And what I like about handwriting is that I don't just see my writing, based on the location on the page and the characteristics I can tell where my head was at when I wrote it.

The biggest thing it's done for me, is help me think freely. Good paper is not cheap, and in the back of my head I'm hoping I'm not wasting good paper on my writing. There are no such concerns with this device.

Outside of work I use it for never-ending to-do lists. I've also mostly migrated off of Google Calendar after 15 years of starting and ending every day with it, by way of an Etsy planner for the RM. I didn't used to read much but I'm starting to with this device too.

The Remarkable Paper Pro

After a couple weeks, I realized that color would be quite useful for some of my notes at work. So I purchased that from Best Buy and my RM2 is on the way back (I purchased that direct). I'm really glad I upgraded, but there's no question, the writing experience (pen to screen) is better on the RM2. Also one thing I liked about the RM2 is how grippy its 4 feet are, the RMPP slides a little bit more. But the larger screen, front light, and color are a worthy trade-off. I'm quite happy with the RMPP and look forward to its companionship hopefully for quite a few years. Based on this forum's insights these things don't kick the dust too quick.

Happy writing y'all.