Pussyfree and Pornfree

After committing myself to Mastrex, I realized that porn and masturbation was a big part of my life; probably one of the biggest. My favorite thing to do for so many years has been to edge, goon, and cum. Satisfying myself was the most important thing!

Being told that I can no longer do those things freely was initially very hard to cope with. Changing daily routines and habits can be scary; we all love our comfort zones. That is until I realized that it is for the best.

As much as I have loved porn and masturbation, it is something that I have tried to cut back on in the past. I was never successful and I knew it was an addiction. Finding someone who wants you to change and finding someone to redirect that energy toward can be life changing.

I have decided to turn my Pussyfree porn addiction energy towards a greater purpose. In my short time serving Mastrex, I have come to realize that it is not about me. It is about pleasing, satisfying, supporting, and submitting to someone who truly deserves it. I already seem to be less interested in porn, organizing my finances has finally become a priority, I am seemingly taking better care of myself. I hope that this continues. The thought of remaining Pussyfree and porn free so that I can better serve someone truly Superior is what I want in life.