Men dont care about men’s issue.

TLDR Time and time again, issues solely pertaining to men dont result in men galvanizing to reform things. Its either men have other things to fight about (that affect the general population) or the loudest voice about men’s issues use it to complain about women. Nor do I think men’s right activist do enough to thrust themselves into the mainstream. 

“That not true!”

Here are 9 examples.

Example 1: Look at Trump winning.

He won on immigration, the economy, and overturning DEI programs. NOT to address men’s issues.

Example 2: The male voting demographic

Similar to 1, American men are not focused on men’s rights. 

Example 3: ‘The War On Boys’ in school.

  1. Men arent demanding school reform.
  2. Men are not teaching their sons to STFU, sit down, and learn.
  3. Not calling out male teachers and male principals to help boys out.

If you dont give a fuck about your sons’ education, stop expecting other people to do better.

Example 4: Loneliness

A self inflicted problem caused by men focusing on their dicks instead of social bonds. Even if we’re talking about REAL lonliness, alot of men dont want to have close bonds with each other, so they think they need a girlfriend to get that emotional connection.

Example 5: Workplace issues

Instead of whining about feminists, ask why male bosses are so negligent on protecting their male workers.  

Example 6: Not calling out politicians.

Most politicians are men. How about hold male politicians accountable for being simps and fucking over their own gender? No? Just whine about women’s privilege? Okay.

Example 7: Not actually putting up a fight for men’s rights.

Whining about feminists pulling an alarm on a meeting is PATHETIC.

MAGA fans were willing to be ostracized, beaten, doxxed, JAILED, for their beliefs. Guess what? They won so big in 2024 that Kamala didnt win a single swing state. And similar things happened with feminism and other civil rights movements. If youre not willing to take risks, your issues arent that serious.

Example 8: Not actually trying to keep up with current events.

They make no attempt to thrust themselves into the mainstream so their voices can be heard.

Where the fuck was men’s outcry against false accusations and female abusers during the Heard-Depp court case? NOWHERE. Just making memes of Amber Heard shitting in Depp’s bed.

And I even gave suggestions. What about latching onto the Republican party? “Ew, no. Fuck those guys!” What about male truckers getting brutally targeted but by Canada’s PM because they dont want to follow his rules? “That’s not a men’s issues” even though the main people being victimized were men.

Also, fatherlessness and wasteful government spending is also a current issue in America. Any of the men’s right activists lecturing deadbeat sperm donors that create lost misguided boys that have to rely on government money? NOPE. Any lecturing to men that are lazy and just give primary custody to the mother and/or barely doing anything for their kids, especially their sons? NOPE.

Example 9:  Male depression

If the depression isnt about women, there are no fucks given by the manosphere. Worse, they will insist that men dont talk about their feelings nor get professional help. Then have the audacity to scream “MEN ARE UNALIVING AND NO ONE CARES!” When women insist on getting professional help, “Nah that doesnt work.” Stop crying that women get more help, especially when you mock women for taking medication.

Any suggestions that more men need to go into professions such as therapy? NOPE. Any suggestions that men form closer/emotional bonds with other men since ‘they understand the male experience better’? NOPE. Just blame female privilege and feminism!

Example 10: Not demanding male empathy.

This will conclude my post. Where are men demanding men in authoritative roles to care about male suffering? Nowhere. Its just complaing about feminism and women ‘not understanding the plight of men’. You cant cry women being valued more than men when you also value women more than men.

There are many more examples, but I think 9 is enough.