I've Heard Minecraft Cave Sounds IRL

When I was a little kid, I used to live in a rather secluded and isolated country area. Unlike the area I live now which is more lively. More suburban. I didn't like living there personally, because it always felt lonely to me. I didn't have friends, didn't really get along with the few we did have, and even my other family members at the time I didn't have the best relationship with. I also wasn't going through a good time at that point in life. I was poor, my mom (who has gotten better in recent years and who I love very much) was struggling with some bad things I don't know if I'm allowed to talk about in this subreddit. We hardly could ever pay for food or internet, which meant I couldn't even talk to anyone online often, to handle how alone I felt living out there. And the nights there felt very creepy. A lot of times I'd sleep with the TV on for a light, and wake up to those creepy EAS sounds of amber alerts, and it lead to me having a fear of them. As I am autistic, I am displeased by loud or sudden sounds in general. And this underlying fear of loud or sudden creepy sounds I think contributes to a lot of other fears I have. Not only do I find EAS alarms creepy, but also thunder. There are at least six times I can remember where I woke up in pitch blackness to the boom of thunder or the flash of lightning.

What does all this have to do with Minecraft cave sounds? Well, back then in that very depressing time of my life one thing that always kept me going was my love for video games. Especially Minecraft. I've loved Minecraft pretty much my whole life, and while it'd be hard for me to pick an all time favorite game it would surely at least be in the top five, if not number 1. However, the cave sounds in Minecraft have always terrified me, like they have many other people. They do fit the loud or sudden mysterious sound category. There's nothing as primally terrifying to me as hearing a sound you KNOW is ominous, but can't pinpoint the cause or even the exact location of. The most scary cave sounds to me are those whistle ones... particularly cave sounds 5 (for it's low droning sound that goes on for way too long) and 10. (For the exact opposite reason, it's short, shrill, and leaves you with a sense of "what... the fuck?") These two also perfectly give off that vibe I mentioned earlier of "unexplainable." Many could be reasoned away as being wind, or rocks tumbling down, but these two are very very unnatural. And I bring all this up because even though I've tried to shut the period of my life where I was living basically without a mother, in a dark creepy countryside I hated, out. Recently I remembered something that originally I thought was a weird fabricated memory I have, but that I've started to reconsider. And that is, that I VIVIDLY remember waking up to these sounds quite a few times. Like, the exact sounds, or at least, sounds as similar as my mind could conjure. Even the longer ones like cave sound 5 that go on for more then a few seconds. I really, really strongly remember waking up suddenly, opening my eyes and hearing these sounds play in real life. I even remember yelling or crying a couple times cause of them. As I grew older I thought this was a misplaced memory I've had, me misremembering nightmares leaking into the real world. But the past week I've been researching these things called "hypnogogic hallucinations" and have wondered. If maybe those sounds I heard WERE real? Or at least real in the sense that I WAS in fact hearing them outside of a dream. Maybe my love for Minecraft mixed with my fear of creepy sounds to create these waking hallucinations. Your thoughts?