What to do with gift of $120K

My partner just found out he will be receiving a cash gift of $120,000, and we are unsure of where to put the money. We are in our mid 30’s. Hoping to meet with a financial advisor next week but until then…

My income - $120K + pension Partner’s income - $25K with NO pension

Mortgage - $115K (@ 5%) Car loan - $45K (@ 7%) Student loan - $10K (@ 0%)

My RRSP - $30K My TFSA - $15K Partner’s RRSP - $30K

Should we max out RRSP, TFSA, or do something else?


Mortgage is up for renewal in October. Should we refinance to include our car loan at a (hopefully) lower rate? Thereby, investing the money instead of paying off the car.