Move Tier List
Hey All,
Since it proved nearly impossible to find any detailed information on pal Moves and some just seemed better then others I decided to do some testing myself and share the results.
Keep in mind I used pretty relaxed methods; counting in my head rather then recording/counting frames and making assumptions on a moves base value(there's variation in the upper and lower limit of a hit's dmg so without recording dozens(or hundreds) of attempts to get the most accurate value I made an assumption and rounded off to the nearest number that made sense.
With the way active skills are designed in palworld, in general the lower a moves CD value is, the higher DPS it provides, so its no surprise that the quickest moves with 2 second CD have the highest DPS. So IMO every pal should have one of these moves although they are not all created equal. Here's my evaluation of the currently available quick moves :
Godly Tier :
- Dark Cannon - 20 more dmg then other skills with same CD and has a small AoE
Good Tier :
- Wind Cutter - Small AoE
- Air Cannon - Can Pierce through Pals
Average Tier:
- Poison Blast
- Dragon Cannon
- Ignis Blast
- Hydro Jet
Below Average
- Bog Blast - Ground doesnt get 2second CD skill so this is best at 4 seconds
Ignore Tier :
- Ice Missile - Long cast time and less DPS
- Spark Blast - Long cast time and less DPS
Things get a lot more interesting when we look at the other active skills. This list doesnt include exclusive skills other then a few that were already on the Pal's i was testing skills with.
There was 2 main things i was looking for when testing Active Skills:
- Any hidden Power multipliers
- How long it took the cast (I measured how long until I was able to move again while mounted. There's a few Skills where I was able to move before the skill finished casting).
One thing I noticed that hasnt been mentioned when talking about skills is the dmg loss while casting the skill. Most skills take around 3 seconds to cast with some being as high as 7. During that cast time you could be spamming your OP quick move instead. With Serenity + Impatient its just over a second per an attack, so while casting that 55 dmg move with 10CT (or 5.5dps) you may have missed out on casting your quick attack 3 times for 90 dmg. I referred to this as adjusted DPS and used the standard 30 power 2CT moves to adjust an Active Skills DPS value.
SSS- Higher DPS then Quick Skill
- Curtain Splash - Water
- Holy Burst - Neutral (Thanks to ballom29 for pointing out it can hit more then once)
- Blast Cannon - Dragon
- Lightning Streak - Lightning
- Air Blade - Neutral
- Seed Mine - Grass
SS - Similar DMG Potential to SSS but more RNG
- Star Mine - Neutral
- Thunder Rain - Lightning (Adjusted hits thanks to TheGhostShrimp)
- Beam Slicer - Dragon (thanks TheGhostShrimp)
- Rockburst - Ground
A+ - Best of the non OP skills
- MultiCutter - Grass
- Blizzard Spike - Ice
- Ignis Rage - Fire
- Apocalypse - Dark
A - Good DMG Potential but more RNG
- Splash - Water
- Thunderstorm - Lightning
B - Good Filler Moves
- Acid Rain - Water
- Fire Wall - Fire
- Diamond Rain - Ice
- Icicle Cutter - Ice
- Iceberg - Ice
- Sand Twister - Ground
- Grass Tornado - Grass
- Shadow Burst - Dark
- Dragon Burst - Dragon
- Fire Ball - Fire
- Circle Vine - Grass
- Solar Blast - Grass
- Rock Lance - Ground
- Trispark - Lightning
- Pal Blast - Neutral
D - Anything Below this Point is either neutral or a lose of DPS in Serenity Builds
- Spirit Flame - Dark
- Electric Ball - Lightning
- Dark Laser - Dark
- Stone Cannon - Ground
- Spirit Fire - Fire
- Dark Arrow - Dark
- Comet Strike - Dragon
- Ice breath - Ice
- Volcanic Rain - Fire (Updated thanks to TheGhostShrimp, was too generous in # of hits)
- Nightmare Ball - Dark
- Aqua Burst - Water
- Power Shot - Neutral
E - Barely Worth Casting
- Flare Storm - Fire
- Flare Arrow - Fire
- Hydro laser - Water
- Lightning Bolt - Lightning
- Sand Tornado - Ground
- Ignis Breath - Fire
- Lightning Strike - Lightning
- Power Bomb - Neutral
- Dragon Breath - Dragon
- Tri Lightning - Lightning
- Icicle Line - Ice
- Spine Vine - Grass
- Plasma Funnel - Lightning
- Dark Ball - Dark
F - You're losing DPS by using these
- Dragon Meteor - Dragon
- Umbral Surge - Dark
- Seed Machine Gun - Grass
- Lock on Laser - Lightning
- Bubble Blast - Water
- Stone Blast - Ground