So I started playing recently, I’ve got a nice little base going but since the start of this week I’ve been having issues with the game, specifically in my base. I’m constantly being spammed with messages at the bottom left of my screen about my pals not being able to reach torches or production areas like the logging site or the stone pit they’ve otherwise never had an issue interacting with and it’s broken some of them from their assigned areas entirely and I’ll have to reassign them just for it to happen again a few minutes later. Sometimes I’ll get spammed with the unreachable message but I’ll look at the pal and they’re doing exactly what the game keeps telling me they CANT do at that moment. Sometimes a work station with have a red “⚠️” above it saying “unreachable by pals” then it will later randomly go away even though I didn’t do anything. It’ll just flicker that message on and off over work stations sometimes.