Tools I’d love to see come in next set.

Personally, I think every poke tool should either have a purpose, or influence strategic deck building in some sort of way. Here are some tools I think could do that.

TERA STONE: A stone that changes the type of your Pokemon to match one of the energy types in your deck. I think this could make for some very interesting strategies, whether it’s getting rid of a type weakness, utilizing Erika/Misty, or interacting with future cards that only apply to a certain type. Think of being able to use Erika on Probopass, or Misty of Yanmega, etc. this wouldn’t change the energy costs of any attacks but could lead to some cool and unique deck builds.

Eviolite: This would be a tool specifically for Pokemon that can evolve but haven’t. I’m thinking it would increase HP by 50% or reduce damage taken by attacks. This could automatically make certain Pokemon like Thunder Spear Electabuzz, Dragonair, and Bidoof among other more viable on their own. But it could also help with keeping a Pokemon alive long enough to build it up, which can be a problem if it’s locked in the active spot.

King’s Rock: Whenever your pokemon attacks, flip 3 coins. If all 3 are heads, prevent your opponents Pokemon from attacking next turn. In other words, a flinch. This would give you a 12.5% which isn’t overpowered but likely enough that it could get some cheeky deck play.

Leftovers: restore 10 hp during the beginning of your turn. Essentially a shaymin but for just one pokemon. Once again not crazy op but would definitely get a ton of usage. Seems to be the most meta defining IMO.

Pokemon-specific tools: Tools that have special interactions but only for certain pokemon. Example would be the Leak for Farfetch’d including damage output or charcoal for a fire type, mystic water for a water type, all having unique interactions slightly more beneficial than cape/rocky. (Slight attack/hp/reduced damage)