Why I think Gen 3 will be the next set
Looking ahead to the next set, I think it makes most sense for it to be Gen 3 and not Gen 2. Personally, I think this because of the Psychic archetype.
After Genetic Apex, when Mewtwo dominated the first “season”, psychic has been largely ignored. Yes we’ve had Giratina, Mew, Togekiss, and Dusknoir but most of those are either not psychic or more general utility cards that don’t play within a psychic archetype. Even the new Rotom isn’t really played in psychic decks. The one new psychic archetype is the lake trio which can be fun but a bit niche.
Additionally, with no ramping other than 2 stage Gardevoir, and few type advantages, psychic doesn’t seem to be getting much play anymore.
The only psychic types in Gen 2 are Xatu line, Wobbuffet, Slowking, Espeon and Unknown (already released). These could be good cards, especially an espeon EX, but on the surface don’t seem as archetype defining (obviously hard to predict).
Compare this to the psychic types we saw in Gen 3. 4 different forms of Deoxys, Jirachi, Latios, Latias, Metagross, Grumpig,Claydol, Banette
I just think we’re a time in the meta where it makes sense to introduce more strong psychic types and Gen 3’s abundance of strong psychic types could be huge.