can kidney stones trigger chronic urinary issues?

I know that POTS can impact the urinary tract in several ways, but I went from having no intrusive urinary symptoms to peeing So Many Times at night and I'm worried that my first kidney stones could have triggered this. I've had situations before where new symptoms get triggered and then never fully go away, so I'm nervous this is here to stay. it's starting to affect my sleep and it is PISSING ME OFF 😂

I think my first kidney stone left my kidney about this time last year. thankfully, it waited until AFTER I drove across the country (April) to start making me pee all the time. the symptoms never fully went away, but a month or two later I had a repeat episode of the pain I believe was a second stone leaving the kidney, and a scan ~a month later later confirmed there was a stone (first one wasn't confirmed but I'm sure I had two). apparently it was super tiny, so I imagine I've passed it by now (5 months later). I'm not peeing constantly during the day, but it's become a Thing now where I go to sleep at night and have to pee despite going when I washed up. so I get up, pee, get back in bed. as soon as I finally get warm and comfy and start getting sleepy again, my bladder is full.

the specificity of this happening when I lay down makes me wonder if it's POTS related, but it's weird that it's ONLY at night, even if I lay down during the day. I'm generally not in a good place in my life right now, and I can't afford a lot of my management. my appetite has been a mess for months so I know I'm not eating enough, but I make sure to eat salt when I do. fluids have always been a struggle for me, too, but I've been using Gatorade powder in my water lately. I do intend to follow up with a doctor, and possibly a urologist, as soon as I'm able to, but I'm prepping for another move so it will be a while before I can get set up with a new med system.

also, I came back negative for a UTI!

has anyone else had a similar experience, either with the night-time exclusive peeing (it's like some twisted limited edition 😭) or with kidney stones causing lasting urinary issues?


ETA: I'm also not drinking a lot before bed, not drinking caffeine, none of the usual suspects, etc.