Kano needs motor advice
Hey folks,
Kano recently transplanted to the Philippines, and considering a motorcycle.
I have a Suzuki SV650 in the USA, but am looking for a much smaller bike here, USED and under 50k pesos. Maybe a 2017.
But I know NOTHING about small bikes.
I don't want a scooter (step thru), and hate the look of the Sniper and Raider (half step thru)
I'm not a sport-bike guy (r15 style), I just need a standard motorcycle with a top tank.
It looks like that leaves the Rouser.
Is any particular engine size (125, 150, 160, 200, etc) more dependable than others? Parts availability?
Also, since I'm new to all of this, I am open to any and all advice.
Rusi? Lifan? Other?
Thank you!!!!