how i reversed my insulin resistance (detailed)

English is not my first language so this post is probably going to be super long and all over the place, i can't be concise as i'd like so i'm sorry in advance. And if this post is toxic, comment so i can delete it but i think many people can relate because there is a lot of toxic pcos info on the internet.

I'm not a nutritionist, not a doctor, this is what helped me. Some of this stuff probably isn't that healthy because I suffered a lot mentally thinking i'll end up with diabetes in a year.-i'd beat myself up for eating something i was labeled as "bad"-but in the end i guess it got me here so i feel like i just got a new chance at life basically because i thought my life was over.(maybe dramatic but i'm young and my endo and nutritionist scared me-it's hard to advocate for yourself even when you're older).

The biggest thing here to note is I'M 23.(170cm/58kg) That is a huge factor. Also i have the priviledge of having access to whole foods and i was always meal prepping.

Few of my endos told me i'm prediabetic, and it's not reversible, but turns out i wasn't even prediabetic, i only had IR.

I'm going to make this as positive as i can because i had a toxic relationship with food and myself for that period of time, so 2-3 years. I was very restricting, i was miserable in the beginning because my endo and my nutritionst scared me-i thought i was so SICK and this is so SCARY i thought i will never live a normal life anymore.

In the beginning-My eating was pretty monotonous, i always ate the same things, focused on the proteins and fat, but i did have carbs that were labeled "good" to me. I was so scared i was going to contribute to me getting diabetes. Later healthier approach that i recommend:Went to the gym(weights), took magnesium glycinate, selenium, zinc, iron. Tried inositol-did nothing for me.

I made my own spelt bread: Spelt flour 500g, 100g sunflower and 100g pumpkin seeds, a little bit of walnuts, baking powder and add water until it makes thick dough. Don't make it too runny, add a little water at a time. That bread and eggs, avocado and bacon are still my breakfast almost every day. Lunch is mostly basic, rice pilav with chicken or turkey breast. dinner is mostly baked fish and sweet potato or any vegetable. Cooked everything with olive oil.

My spelt bread and any nut butter, i had hazelnut chocolate butter with stevia and dark chocolate-that was always my desert. And just a regular dark chocolate. Also ate sarma, lentil soups, some of my national dishes with green beans (called boranija, you can google it), musaka-baked potatoes and minced meat. Ate soup, made tortillas with chicken, avocado, sweet potato, onions, lettuce, tomatos. Canned tuna, smoked tuna and salmon. (Google: sarma recipe, musaka and boranija they're good i promise).

The important thing here is that exercise does help. Muscle muscle muscle-the most important thing. Don't cut out all "bad" things, it IS just balance even tho i know how hard it is to find it. Also-fiber. Chia seeds. Flax seeds(u can add them to the bread).

ALSO-my chicken pie in buckweat thin pie crust with white cheeses-prepare some chicken on a pan, mix your cheeses-feta, urda, i also used a lot of light cheeses(don't know how you call them in america), mix some spinach in(blend it), egg or two, mix everything, roll it in a...roll..., bake at 200°C for 35-40min. I don' know if you have crusts like this everywhere in the world lol and i hope this is an understandable recipe.

I also walked everyday to work and back, also worked a hard serving job for two summers, was on my feet for 12 hours a day-that must've contributed (it was 30k of steps daily but i don't think you should torture yourself). Just a 10k walk is fine or walk on a treadmil or something. I think that helped a loooot, made me feel really good.

The main point is-allow yourself to eat tasty food. See what works for you. You CAN make healthy food tasty. You don't have to eat bland food. Maybe it is expensive to eat this way and not everyone has the priviledge, but if you do it's the best thing you can do for yourself.(Note: some healthy meals are cheaper than if you order something, for example-all the dishes i listed-sarma, musaka, boranija and all nutrient dense.)

If you eat tortillas or something, buy wholemeal (or whole WHATEVER IT'S CALLED you'll know). When i ate oats, i added coconut oil, chia seeds, almond and cashew butter. I just added protein and fat to everything. Added fiber along the way, put it as a priority.

This post started a bit toxic, i was restrictive at first but i learned to incorporate everything in the end. One toxic thing i used to do-when i ate something "bad" i made myself walk after it because my endo told me that way the sugar spike won't be that high because it will be used for energy (don't know if this is a fact).

If you have access to a nutritionist, go to them for some recipes, expand you pallete as much as you can. Would it be helpful to post some more recipes here? I can't think of anything else, but i hope at least some of this is helpful, i really tried to think of all important things.

You will have to work your ass off basically, cook everything yourself, prepare meals for work etcetc. My priviledge is that also i don't have a family to take care of, i spend my money and time on myself so thats why i was able to do it this way. I hope everyone can take care of themselves to their best ability, you deserve it queens.

If i can answer any questions feel free to comment, it's a scary and lonely thing.

p.s i still have adrenal issues, my new endo explained that my ovaries are overactive so that is happening to me that way and i'll try birth contol. Also have hashimotos. I think this is relevant. Also all my other hormones are chefs kiss currently.

Also, i think it's okay to "play" with food. Mix and match, explore FOR EXAMPLE other flour options, i found spelt was the best for me but you can try rye etcetc.(it's also 1.30€ where i live for half a kg so thats cheap as hell). I wish you all luck, i hope this helped even a little