Experiences with tumors in both ovaries? How to deal with the anxiety?
Hi everyone,
I went to my GP Gyn for irregular periods, and using TVUS she found: "Abnormal cystic solid tumors in both ovaries, left change dimensions 72 mm x 56 mm and right 44 mm x 30 mm". She couldn't determine what they were, just that they were solid. I was honestly too overwhelmed by the news to ask too many questions, but she got awfully silent when she was taking the images and measurements and seemed a bit shocked to me, also when she was trying to search images to determine what kind of tumor it could be.
She put me through for an urgent referral, but the hospital has apparently judged it as not very urgent based and given me an appointment that's over a month away, plus a referral for CA125 + HE4 testing pre-appointment.
I'm glad to have been taken seriously and trying my best not to freak out, knowing that most tumors at my age (I'm 25) are usually benign, and if the hospital doesn't see it as more urgent, it's hopefully fine. I also don't have any symptoms really, but the idea of the tumor markers checkup and somehow feeling like makes me feel very scared and anxious. Lost a lot of my appetite since then and really struggle to keep focused at work...
If anyone has any experience they're comfortable sharing, especially with changes on both ovaries, or really any tips on how to handle the anxiety up to the next appointment, I'd be very thankful. I'm starting to question if I'm overreacting responding so emotionally to this while there's nothing really known yet... Thanks :)