Microsoft Office 365 Storage Discrepancy
So I have a user that is paying for Office 365 to retain the ability to send and receive emails on an old "" email account. I suggested lowering storage amount to within 15 gbs by moving or removing emails with large attachments and to purchase a lifetime subscription office version since they only occasionally used word and excel and were not trusting of one drive cloud storage (they believe cloud services spy on your data, which is just a whole other sack of potatoes but I digress.)
Anyway, they personally migrated the emails and I reviewed their one drive to ensure nothing was uploaded there by mistake. Microsoft shows in this panel that the users data is 1 gb, but then reports that they have 16.71 gbs and will be unable to send or receive emails unless they are on a subscription. The user has had this email for probably as long as the "" domain has existed, and currently has roughly 5000 emails give or take a 1000. They recently, Feb 21st, paid 9.99 for a monthly sub to Office365 solely for the email functionality.
So what's the best way of fixing this? I'm having a hard time finding a person or email address to contact, so I've come here. Thanks for your help.