My asshole boyfriend cheated me

I am feeling so bad right now, so guilty and disgusted. I am friends with my ex bf from the past 1 year and started dating 2 weeks ago, i thought he was a really nice person. But yesterday I went to his house , he told me he has prepared something for me which looked fine , but when I started to eat it tasted different and bad. Guess what , that was pork and he lied to me that it's vegetarian. I am a pure vegetarian since childhood , i knew he eats meat but thought it was okay but he cheated me by making me eat it. I didn't eat it fully thankfully, got an early realisation just after 2 bite. He was totally in his senses, this wasn't a mistake at all, apparently he was trying to make me taste non vegetarian food. I am feeling so guilty bad and embarrassing, prolly should have never dated or befriended. I think it's better to date someone within or never. I don't know what to do now, i can't tell this to anyone but this is making me sad