What is there to like about Jimmy?
After playing the game, I found it very surprising that some people here were talking about how much they like Jimmy? Are people joking or do they actually? I don't care, people can like what they want, I just found it surprising.
I think his character is very interesting, very real, but I definitely do not like who he is at as a person. In fact, I sort of detest every single thing about him. I don't find him annoying, like I wasn't getting angry at him like I do with poorly-written characters on TV shows for example. But he's a fuckin' loser.
I mean, he's just a complete fucking coward is he not? He probably could've had a relationship with Anya if he didn't choose to just rape her. Even worse than raping her (repeatedly?), instead of being willing to atone for his actions, he decided he would just kill the entire fucking crew to wipe away his sins. Take the easy way out and ruin every one else's lives in the process.
To me, really his entire character boils down to him incessantly trying to "fix things" ("fixing" his loneliness/horniess with rape) when he is bad at fixing things, simply because he is not a good leader because he is chronically lacking in empathy. Him fixing things just makes everything WAY worse, at every turn. If he really wanted to "fix things" he should have just shot himself with the Pony gun.
Being in deep space with the same people for months on end can definitely fuck with your mind (I imagine), so I do find the character interesting because I bet there are plenty of people that would behave similarly to him. But that don't mean I like him lol.
Also, not as bad as the other things, but he got mad at Curly for wanting to do something better with his life than be a delivery driver? Holding back your friends from achieving what they want to do is yet another pathetic, shitty thing.