Contemplating a second child but with big age gap.. worried about first

Hi all! So a bit of back story. I was fairly certain of being one and done. My daughter is seven and the light of my life. Everything is pretty idyllic at home. We are like the three musketeers including my husband 😊

Lately however I’ve just been pondering whether or not we should have a second child.. maybe it’s my age (37) and knowing I won’t have that much time to ponder left but I think about it daily if we should or if we shouldn’t..

Some back story as to why we were one and done in the first place.. traumatic birth some anxiety issues postpartum, colic reflux and a fussy baby who turned into the leader of the sleep is for the weak club.. she was having nightly wakeups until earlier this year. To say we have been thru a lot with her is truly an understand.

Now however things are settled.. she’s doing so great in school, our family life is happy and quiet

I will also add she is soo soo happy being an only child.. when this topic has come up even briefly she gets very emotional and has told me she doesn’t want to talk about it and never wants a sibling

I’m curious to know if anyone else has gone thru this situation and how did you approach your older child/children if you’re thinking of expanding?

I keep telling my husband if she’s not on board I don’t think I can go thru with it 😭❤️

Is the reason I feel this way because I’m Still not sure what I want? It’s so hard to figure it out 😑