Bad Layla players are back in rank 💀

Layla is popular right now and stupid people are trying her in rank without knowing how to play her properly. Layla can be a beast in late game and can wipe everyone without a mark but she’s too weak early game. Any diver can dish her out in a second and this stupid players doesn’t know how to play safe in early to mid game. They want roamers to baby sit them and even though roamers do they still manage to lose in their lane. Hence, they never reach their late game potential and all you have is an early game loss with a bronze Layla player.

Unpopular opinion but I think Layla isn’t an easy hero to play with. Yes, her mechanics are simple but she needs a good player to make her effective. Her skill kit isn’t meta and falls behind on paper compared to majority of other marksman so it takes more player effort and skill to win with her. I like Layla but she’s not really beginner friendly in terms of winning games. I think giving her a dash skill could make her meta. She’s just too vulnerable to win a 1v1 situation.

Layla is popular right now and stupid people are trying her in rank without knowing how to play her properly. Layla can be a beast in late game and can wipe everyone without a mark but she’s too weak early game. Any diver can dish her out in a second and this stupid players doesn’t know how to play safe in early to mid game. They want roamers to baby sit them and even though roamers do they still manage to lose in their lane. Hence, they never reach their late game potential and all you have is an early game loss with a bronze Layla player.

Unpopular opinion but I think Layla isn’t an easy hero to play with. Yes, her mechanics are simple but she needs a good player to make her effective. Her skill kit isn’t meta and falls behind on paper compared to majority of other marksman so it takes more player effort and skill to win with her. I like Layla but she’s not really beginner friendly in terms of winning games. I think giving her a dash skill could make her meta. She’s just too vulnerable to win a 1v1 situation.