Have any of you guys gone to a high school reunion? Does your class even do reunions?
My high school class of over 900 kids had a 10 year reunion in 2021, and something like 30 people showed up. I'm watching Frazier tonight, and came upon the reunion episode when he recounts his last reunions in five year increments. That frequency is so unbelievable in this era of social media, but I'm wondering if any frequency of hs reunions actually happen anymore.
Have any of you gone to a hs reunion? Did people show up? Ours was mid-pandemic, so maybe that was the reason for the low turnout... but it seems more likely that people didn't care. I only knew about it because an old friend added me to the facebook group randomly. I happened to be in town for a funeral, but I didn't go. I can't imagine ever caring to fly home to go to the next one.
So, are high school reunions a thing of the past?