Everything I know about TCM metoidioplasty by Dr. Ubirajara in Brazil

• Size: Depends on each case, but about 4cm larger than the original size.

• Times the surgery has been performed on trans men: 3, but it's increasing.

• The surgery is done in two stages: the first for the construction of the neophallus and scrotum, the second for the construction of the urethra using tissue from the inner cheek, placement of silicone implants (testicles), and in this stage, he also performs cosmetic work to better position everything. It is in this stage that he closes the vagina, so it is recommended to have already undergone a hysterectomy.

• Consultation price (can be online): R$1.000 ($300 USD).

• Surgery price in Salvador, Bahia: R$174 mil ($31.887 USD).

• Surgery price in São Paulo, SP: R$195.000 ($35.719 USD).

Salvador (Bahia) is cheaper because it is where the medical team resides, so expenses like travel are excluded.

Both are large states with a high frequency of foreigners, and issues related to security and other concerns about Brazil are less prominent due to the extensive infrastructure and tourism. In my opinion, there is no better or worse.


-Salvador: Starting at $273 USD/month

-São Paulo: Starting at $300 USD/month

Food: Starting at $4 USD

Translator (Portuguese-English): Starting at $5/hour

• Surgeon: Dr. Ubirajara (website: https://ubirajarabarroso.com.br/cirurgia-de-redesignacao-sexual-em-homens-trans-o-que-e-requisitos-como-e-feita-pos-operatorio/).

• About the surgery with results: https://youtu.be/UluqVEh9ths?si=hp_CrWvPQ1eeIbsb