I finally finished my meta journey

Hellou, this is my 2-month post-op update on my final surgery, which was a 5th Stage. I know it's a lot; my process was pretty rough due to complications, but now I want to introduce myself and talk a little about my transition.

So, I'm (username), 23 years old, born and raised in Nicaragua, a small country in Central America. I like to watch anime, play video games, and I'm a dentist. My father is a lawyer, and my mother was a lawyer, but she died when I was 12.

When I was a kid, I knew there was something odd about me, like something didn't quite fit. I always saw myself as a boy. In my household, little kids usually ran around naked, including me, so when I saw my male cousins, I would always ask, "When will I grow one of those (a penis)?" Adults would laugh at my ignorance, thinking it was a joke, but I was dead serious. I started investigating in biology books and learned I was not going to grow one and I was not one of the boys. It was a hard truth that made me feel pretty bad. I always prayed to God to grow a penis and wake up like a boy. When my mother died, I started living with my father on the weekends and my grandparents on other days. My body kept changing in ways I didn't like. I used to cry myself to sleep and didn't know why because "I was supposed to be a girl with a cute face and a good body. Why did I hate it?" I kept asking myself every day. I had a boyfriend in those years who kept me from ending my life and helped me understand that I needed professional help. I asked my father about that and he took me to many psychiatrists until one of them finally told me I had gender dysphoria. I'm not going to tell everything because it's pretty long, but there was violence involved. I got beaten a few times for being trans and bi; it was rough. There was a lot of emotional and physical torture, like being put on my knees while getting beaten with a leather belt for wearing bandages on my chest. Before my 18th birthday, I was suicidal and decided to take testosterone or I would end my life. My father did not react well; he stopped talking to me for a while, but a few months later he saw I was happier and realized he was making a mistake. At 19, I underwent top surgery, supported by my grandparents who took care of me. In my 20s, I had a hysterectomy, and a few months later, just before my 21st birthday, I underwent my first metoidioplasty stage. In 2023, I finally began the process of correcting everything that had gone wrong, and now I'm here—finally happy and feeling complete. Genital dysphoria was especially difficult for me; it made me suicidal sitting down to pee and not feeling anything down there. I'm grateful that my mother's life insurance provided the means for my bottom surgery process, while I paid for other procedures like testosterone, my top surgery, and hysterectomy myself.

I share my story not just to update you on my journey but to offer hope to anyone facing similar struggles. It's been a tough road, but I want you to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. If you're interested in reading more details about my journey, you can find it here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bCrWTRGScxuc5ZE6e7gOIwzEGQxjqDHhV5-G-G3NPm0/edit?usp=drivesdk

My doctors were:

First stage: Ivan Aguilar and his team Second stage: Meyling Trujillo and Grethel Navas Third stage: Meyling Trujillo and Grethel Navas Fourth stage: Meyling Trujillo Fifth stage: Harley Morales and his team

I'm gonna do an update every once in a while. Ask anything you want. Thanks for reading me 😄.