Heavy lifting triggered my diagnosis
Hi guys, I had no idea what I had until I was reading up on neuropathy and I was like “hmm that sounds like what I have!”. Pins and needles on my outer right thigh for the last 4 weeks. Triggered by upping my weights on the leg press. I hit a PR going up to 6 45lb plates (~122kg all together) and on the push off I started to feel burning. My PCP confirmed it’s MP and referred me out to PT. We’ll see how that goes next week. He said it’s temporary but I’m freaking out because so many people have this chronically!
Other things to note is I generally have wider hips and in-toe. I wonder if my stance on the leg press is the reason for this and maybe physical therapy is the answer for me. Now I notice this pain/weird tingling feeling has translated to other movements where hip flexion is involved like with RDLs. Other wise my flexibility and range of motion is all the same. It’s just annoying that something that’s supposed to help with my health has actually caused me pain. Anybody else have a weird onset like this?
I told my dr I don’t want to stop lifting and he said I shouldn’t, but I’m also scared of further aggravation. Tomorrow is my leg day and I’m kinda dreading it now having this diagnosis. He recommended doing cardio instead…. if you lift too you know that’s not gonna happen but nice try doc lol. I guess this turned into more of a rant but doing my research there isn’t a lot of talk about MP and lifting. I’d hate to lose my gains over this