What was Mimi thinking with Niko?! Omg 😳
As I said before , I’m rewatching LHHA and I forgot a lot of this because I was in middle school when this all came out so I didn’t watch it until later. I’m on the beginning of season 3. I don’t know why Mimi went back to Niko #1 , but the opening of season 3 there they were! , Mimi says they have been taping themselves, and when they were in the bed talking about it , as Mimi was talking to Niko he slips in and says “I wanna exploit this” , this went clean eve her head, then suddenly a p*rn company “got a hold of” their tape. I don’t know what she seen in him ever! , he seen her as an opportunity and took many times to use her. Stevie was a mess to but there is Sneaky sleazy ,and people who do their dirt behind closed doors and there is people who do their dirt out in the open! And Niko was sneaky!. There was several times I wish Stevie would knock his Ass out omg! He makes me skin crawl and in every way I have no clue was Mimi seen in him!