Contemplating life

I've been contemplating life lately, and it lead me to several conclusions that I am hoping to share.
#1: Life isn't a straight road, it's like a really long slope that you're constantly going upward that you need to keep walking up or else you will fall down.
#2: The steepness of the slope is everchanging, requiring you to adapt, forcing you to be able to operate at different speeds, and requiring you to produce different amounts of force just to keep moving forward.
#3: The journey of life isn't load free, you're carrying your own weight and with time you carry the weight of who you became and the experiences that shaped you, and maybe even the weight of others who depend on you, sometimes you have to carry it on your shoulders, and sometimes you'll have to push it forward.
#4: The slope is like a friend of yours that begins with your first breath till the moment you breath your last, it isn't stopping until the time has come, and that's the truth about life, hardship is an integral part of it, it's what gives it meaning, and makes everything positive within it that much worth it.
#5: You don't have to walk up the slope alone, having people who will help you push forward, maybe take some of the load can be really rejuvenating, and there's no shame in admitting that you are overwhelmed or in need of help, because the ability to do that is a privilege you have to cherish and treasure and make the best of it while you still can.