Hi so this morning me and my girlfriend were downstairs in the basement and we heard some pounding on the front door and I had told my girlfriend hey if it's cops I'm not here I don't feel like talking to them just cuz anytime is the cops I don't want to talk to him whether it's for me or whether it's for something else well of course she proceeded to go ahead and let them in comes back to the steps and says hey babe there's a detective and some cops that want to talk to you so of course I was stunned that she actually let them in like I specifically had said hey with the cop don't answer her don't let them in I'm not here well she's the exact opposite but anyways they came in I went upstairs to talk to them and they proceeded to tell me about some kind of robberies that happened somewhere in our town and they seem to think I'm the guy and of course I told him they got the wrong guy it's not me I'm not sure what they're even talking about they said somebody was driving my girlfriend's car which I don't even have a license and of course I drive on occasion but not usually still pleading my case and the detective says well I'm going to give you my card I hoping you would come down here this week to have a man-man conversation I asked him aren't we talking right now what do you need me to come down to the station for and he kept saying well I know it was you blah blah blah my thing is I feel like if they had something on me I damn sure would have been arrested today right? And honestly what should my next steps be I feel like they would have arrested me today had they had proof that it was me should I just ignore it and try and get a lawyer on standby just in case or what should my next step be I mean I'm definitely not going to go down there to detective office to talk to them they wanted to talk they should have talked to here at my house but any advice would be helpful thanks