They used to provide escapism, now they hold the mirror to the oligarchy

The reason their spiel worked way back when was because opulence was celebrated and examined like a peacock in a petting zoo - pretty to look at but that’s about it. Who didn’t want to peak into their lavish family homes and vacations? Now with the current climate, it no longer provides the same haven. If anything, we are reminded of the class differences that exist between the ultra rich and the common folk. It highlights the fact that Kim’s work consists of dressing up and calling paps to her son’s basketball games. They’re not hard workers, they’re hard grifters who get everything for free despite having tons of money to pay for stuff. This thought came upon me as I wondered what in in the world would prompt me to watch their new show when it doesn’t have the potential to lift my mood. The answer is nothing, I’d rather watch paint dry. This isn’t anything new but I wonder if I’m the current climate more people will wake up and stop supporting celebrities who’ve contributed less than nothing to society.