Girl 😭

There are so many things wrong with this comment like: 1) It wasn’t a “little thing” lmao it was a whole controversy. According to Julia snarking on yourself, your sister, and posting fake nudes and a half naked sleeping pic of your hook up = littlest things. Girl 😭😭 2) People didn’t just make random rumours out of nowhere. It wasn’t a crazy fan starting a rumour with no solid evidence. People on this snark spent time and effort proving it was her and we have multiple confirmed pieces of evidence to show it was her.

There are so many things wrong with this comment like: 1) It wasn’t a “little thing” lmao it was a whole controversy. According to Julia snarking on yourself, your sister, and posting fake nudes and a half naked sleeping pic of your hook up = littlest things. Girl 😭😭 2) People didn’t just make random rumours out of nowhere. It wasn’t a crazy fan starting a rumour with no solid evidence. People on this snark spent time and effort proving it was her and we have multiple confirmed pieces of evidence to show it was her.