Another medication question!

Just confirm, I’ve read everything on both websites:

And I’m not seeing Qelbree (viloxazine) on any list, which I think is a good sign, but I know Japan isn’t really fond of ADHD meds. It’s a non-stimulant so I wouldn’t think it would be an issue, but it’s also a relatively new medication and it was just approved here in the USA for adult usage not too long ago.

The other question I had is, I usually get a 90 day supply of medication at a time for my thyroid medicine and I know Japan only allows a month supply for short travel. Would it be okay to keep it in the original bottle, but leave only 6 days worth (the time I’m staying) in there, despite it saying 90 days on the bottle?

If no one knows, is there someone I can contact? Thanks everyone!