Understanding polarized parts and the self
Hey there,
My partner and I have come across many schools of thought about the true self/higher self/spiritual self.
One therapist discussed it as the self that lines up with whatever higher power we may have, that the parts would calm down and many would go away after being unburdened. That would leave room to act out of our true self. This is the framework I learned as well.
A new therapist has said that isn't how it works at all. That our true self isn't any different than who we are now and that our parts make up who we are. Our parts may be unburdened but they will never officially "leave" or stop being active at times. These parts are who we truly are.
This is confusing to me when considering polarized parts. The true self is supposed to have clarity so when we have polarized parts, how does that work if our parts don't ever stop being active?
😅 what is your understanding of the parts and self? What ha worked for you? Any clarification between the two schools of thought?