Instacart is a scam honestly how?lol
Everyone... this is legit as stupid as it gets.. in Massachusetts our state law is this and I quote ...
"the individual is free from control and direction in connection with the performance of the service, both under his contract for the performance of service and in fact"
So instacart... You programmed an alogirthim to choose batches for me based on stuff you won't tell us?
If an algorithm is very simple? And does nothing to violate the laws of the world.. then why are you not forthcoming about how it operates?
Because what instacart is essentially doing is this...
You have a tesla... right? You program it to self drive to over the speed limit?
Cop pulls you over... You understand you were speeding? No officer the car was speeding... Technically there's no law against a computer speeding so I am okay "
The cop would look at you and say this "Good joke your still getting a ticket "
So question Instacart can choose the batches for us.. the assign them to us... Based on stats they won't tell us? They won't tell us the address? They won't tell us the groups we're in for the day? They won't let me negotiate my rate as a shopper?
So essentially what I am getting at is this..
So the only thing that makes me an independent contractor 🤣 is the fuckin fact I can say yes or no to a fuckin batches assigned to me?
So instacart as a company can avoid paying into workers comp.. Medicare.. All the taxes.. and all that money there saving.. they used to fuckin fuck us over even more? 🤣
California works off prop 22 right? Okay so in California they state that the batch payis Based off TIME AND effort it takes to complete the batches...
You would not have two separate alogirthim for instacart right? Lmao 🤣
So they reduced batch pay to $4 because in California... Even if they milked the clock on an order.. there batch pay is so small that giving them bumps on $4 is not that bad ..
But again ask yourself this... if the whole country batch pay... was Based off $10... imagine.. California? Shoppers milking the clock at $10 batch pay Plus the shopper adjustments?
They would be making so much money In California....
But if you add $ 10 bump to $4... thats $14 batch pay... right guys?
So we get $14 to $22 batch pay on boosted days.. or busy days right?
California get that every damn day they shop over the clock.. 🤣
Now you all wonder this..
Well what about the rest of the 49 states?
Well the bumps we don't get.. instacart is smiling 😃
They charge $2 extra per item .. Plus service fees of $3.. Plus delicery fees $ 5 Plus other shit...
They pay us $7 in the rest of the country.. we profit for them at least $100 to $150 on everyday batch we do..
All the profit we make.. is literally paying for the shoppers on California...
Before CALIFORNIA prop 22... everything we actually running smoothly even with the reduced batch pay...
Don't take My word for it.. prop 22 alogirthim took effect Apr 1 2023.. compare your earnings from April 1 2023 before that and you'll see your earnings cut in half..
Its not because it's slow.. instacart numbers and customers have actually grown.. they won't tell you that...
So instacart alogirthim
You decide our batches for You decide our groups.. You decide how fast a shop should take with your timer... You decide our rate we shop at... You decide where the customer is right or wrong and we don't? You decide many many things through the use of an " alogirthim" which is essentially a computer..
What i see is instacart.. you fuckin basically programmed an alogirthim with no restrictions to make yall profit at any cost... even if it's violates our rights ?
And since there's no " law" against a computer.. then technically we're good because the law has not caught up to technology?
Okay so your essentially telling the world instacart...
" well yes it's wrong.. BUT there's no law "
So if there was no law for murder, you would go murdering people essentially?
There's morally right and wrong things to do.. Fuck this female CEO... she is a scumbag for cutting corners to make herself look better
Everyone... this is legit as stupid as it gets.. in Massachusetts our state law is this and I quote ...
"the individual is free from control and direction in connection with the performance of the service, both under his contract for the performance of service and in fact"
So instacart... You programmed an alogirthim to choose batches for me based on stuff you won't tell us?
If an algorithm is very simple? And does nothing to violate the laws of the world.. then why are you not forthcoming about how it operates?
Because what instacart is essentially doing is this...
You have a tesla... right? You program it to self drive to over the speed limit?
Cop pulls you over... You understand you were speeding? No officer the car was speeding... Technically there's no law against a computer speeding so I am okay "
The cop would look at you and say this "Good joke your still getting a ticket "
So question Instacart can choose the batches for us.. the assign them to us... Based on stats they won't tell us? They won't tell us the address? They won't tell us the groups we're in for the day? They won't let me negotiate my rate as a shopper?
So essentially what I am getting at is this..
So the only thing that makes me an independent contractor 🤣 is the fuckin fact I can say yes or no to a fuckin batches assigned to me?
So instacart as a company can avoid paying into workers comp.. Medicare.. All the taxes.. and all that money there saving.. they used to fuckin fuck us over even more? 🤣
California works off prop 22 right? Okay so in California they state that the batch payis Based off TIME AND effort it takes to complete the batches...
You would not have two separate alogirthim for instacart right? Lmao 🤣
So they reduced batch pay to $4 because in California... Even if they milked the clock on an order.. there batch pay is so small that giving them bumps on $4 is not that bad ..
But again ask yourself this... if the whole country batch pay... was Based off $10... imagine.. California? Shoppers milking the clock at $10 batch pay Plus the shopper adjustments?
They would be making so much money In California....
But if you add $ 10 bump to $4... thats $14 batch pay... right guys?
So we get $14 to $22 batch pay on boosted days.. or busy days right?
California get that every damn day they shop over the clock.. 🤣
Now you all wonder this..
Well what about the rest of the 49 states?
Well the bumps we don't get.. instacart is smiling 😃
They charge $2 extra per item .. Plus service fees of $3.. Plus delicery fees $ 5 Plus other shit...
They pay us $7 in the rest of the country.. we profit for them at least $100 to $150 on everyday batch we do..
All the profit we make.. is literally paying for the shoppers on California...
Before CALIFORNIA prop 22... everything we actually running smoothly even with the reduced batch pay...
Don't take My word for it.. prop 22 alogirthim took effect Apr 1 2023.. compare your earnings from April 1 2023 before that and you'll see your earnings cut in half..
Its not because it's slow.. instacart numbers and customers have actually grown.. they won't tell you that...
So instacart alogirthim
You decide our batches for You decide our groups.. You decide how fast a shop should take with your timer... You decide our rate we shop at... You decide where the customer is right or wrong and we don't? You decide many many things through the use of an " alogirthim" which is essentially a computer..
What i see is instacart.. you fuckin basically programmed an alogirthim with no restrictions to make yall profit at any cost... even if it's violates our rights ?
And since there's no " law" against a computer.. then technically we're good because the law has not caught up to technology?
Okay so your essentially telling the world instacart...
" well yes it's wrong.. BUT there's no law "
So if there was no law for murder, you would go murdering people essentially?
There's morally right and wrong things to do.. Fuck this female CEO... she is a scumbag for cutting corners to make herself look better