Prenatal vitamins / supplements causing TSH to spike? New diagnosis
Hi everyone. On Dec. 2nd, I had my hormonal IUD (kyleena) removed and started taking prenatal vitamins and other supplements in anticipation of trying to get pregnant. Around that same time, I got hit with extreme exhaustion. Because I am 40, I immediately also started seeing a fertility specialist.
My fertility specialist zeroed in on my TSH levels, and they increased from 4.05 (ref. 0.4-4.5) on Dec. 20th to 6.096 on Jan. 3rd to 8.686 on Jan. 7th. On Jan. 7th, I tested positive for thyroid antibodies and my free T4 level was 0.74. I've now been referred to an endocrynologist for suspected hypothyroidism and put on 75 mg of Levothyroxine a day and a vitamin D supplement. (My D level was low despite living in sunny Florida.)
In reading through hypothyroidism symptoms, I mostly feel deeply frustrated that no one ever diagnosed me before now. The high cholesterol levels for the past 10 years despite being vegan? The slight anemia I have had since my teens? The intense carpal tunnel syndrome and hip pain over the past 10 years? Feeling cold all the time? UGH.
Anyway, I have read about vitamins that can mess with thyroid levels, and I just don't know what might be causing my extreme exhaustion. But it is hard not to think there is a link between IUD removal and vitamins and my TSH levels getting progressively worse. (Unless it is just the stress of the holidays and starting this IVF journey...?) I'm not able to see an endocrynologist until the end of March, though, and I kind of don't know what to do in the meantime besides take the Levo and Vitamin D and hope for the best.
My fertility specialist had me on:
- 600mg CoQ10 a day
- 500-1000mg Vitamin C
- a prenatal vitamin with folic acid
- DHA/Omega 3s
I stopped taking the CoQ10 because that seemed the culprit, and the dosage was so high, and the science behind it kind of theoretical, but I am still taking the other things. I am still F***ing exhausted.
Could my IUD have been keeping things somewhat at bay the last few years, and its removal is part of what has my TSH levels increasing?
Or is this just dumb luck and chance that this is getting detected now and I should stick to my fertility specialist's recommendations so I can give this whole babymaking thing the best chance I can?
Does someone have experience with navigating prenatal vitamins and fertility and keeping their TSH in check?
I'll also add that I had a kid when I was 30 (10 years ago) without a problem, and all of my levels were seemingly in check at that time.... even though the hip pain and carpal tunnel started shortly after. *shrugs*