Hifiman Arya Stealth--Amazing Sound, but Need Advice on Taming Sharpness

A few months ago I bought myself a pair of Hifiman Arya (Stealth). I was lucky enough to stop by Audio46 in NYC on a trip there for a concert (shoutout to Tony), and I tried out all kinds of headphones and fell in love with the Aryas. Considered the HE1000, but didn't see enough of a difference between them to justify double the price, so I went with the former.

I love these headphones so much, especially coming from a pair of Sundaras. People always said Sundaras hit the point of diminishing returns pretty hard, but I gotta disagree. The Aryas are immediately and undoubtedly in another tier, and it's not even close. But I mean, I've always loved the way planars sound, and something about the Aryas just seems so complete to me. But as I've grown more familiar with them, I've found one consistent trait that I don't like, and which has made listening in general less pleasant than it can otherwise be on something like my Airpod Pros. Namely, there is a kind of energetic, airy sharpness lingering on the edges of the mids and low treble (mainly male vocals, high-pitched instruments like violins, and pianos) which is just intense enough to be uncomfortable at mid-high volumes.

I find this is most evident in recordings that are more open and spacious. (squabble up - Kendrick Lamar; Quiet Magic - Sleeping At Last; LET EM PRAY - NF [actually, most of NF's recordings]). To be honest, it's prevalent on almost every song, but these are the ones I know off the top of my head. It's just uncomfortable enough to border on painful. It's not necessarily sibilance, but just a pervasive intensity that hovers around the entire midrange and low treble. And it bothers me soooo much.

I've tried taming this with all kinds of EQ. I've tried the Oratory settings, but I hated them deeply, because I felt like they completely neutered everything I fell in love with on the Arya. I tried a few other settings but eventually decided to take it into my own hands and tailor the EQ myself. I didn't do much, pictured here, just added some extra bass and toned down the mids a little bit. And this came soooo close to fixing the problem, but on certain tracks, especially those listed above, that uncomfortable intensity is still there. It goes away if I really tone down the frequencies in the 8000 range, but then the entire thing just starts to sound veiled. So I just wanted to ask and see if anyone else had experienced this on the Ayra or knew a fix, because I've been having some trouble finding any information on it myself. Is there a way to tone down that sharpness without destroying the detail in that range?