What's it like shipping an ultra-rare pair? (Like less than 100 fics on AO3)
I don't have a rare slash pair - luckily my slash ships range from wildly popular to fairly popular, so there's no dearth of content.
But, I do have a rare het pair, which currently has less than 100 fics on AO3. I go back every month to check if new fics have been shared. One fic comes up every 6 months or so, and most of the fics are WIP.
Most of the completed fics are drabbles/one-shots which I have already read. There's like 1 completed chaptered fic, which I have re-read 20 times.
It's kinda sad, as this is the only M/F ship I have featuring this male character. He is one of the fandom favourites and has an iconic slash ship (which I love) and a moderately popular M/F ship (which I don't).