When exactly did Ted and Tracy meet?

Okay, so we know Ted and Tracy met at the Farhampton station after the wedding. We also know the wedding took place on Sunday at 6 p.m. – now, if you go back to the season 9 episodes it's clear that Robin got dressed around 5 p.m. when she had that freakout about not wanting to marry Barney because he didn't find her locket. Right before, she was still wearing her hockey shirt.

In S8E01 we see a flash-forward of Ted at the train station telling the old lady about Robin's freakout. It then flashed back to her freakout (like I said, around 5 p.m.) and it said "10 hours earlier". Doing the math, that means Ted must've sat at the train station around 3 a.m. the day after the wedding, so Monday. Meaning he left the wedding very late and then met Tracy at the station around 3 a.m. on Monday.

However in S9E23 Ted is sitting at the train station and telling the old lady that he'll be in Chicago 24 hours from now. If he were at the train station on Monday, 3 a.m. that would mean he'd be in Chicago on Tuesday at 3 a.m. It then flashes forward 24 hours to Marshall and Lily surprisingly finding Ted sitting at MacLaren's telling them about how he met Tracy. However, that would mean it would be 3 a.m. on a Tuesday. I highly doubt that they'd walk into MacLaren's at 3 a.m.. The bar looked full. Ted gave Tracy a call which I also doubt he would've done at 3 a.m.

One of these stories don't add up, I'm just assuming it's the 3 a.m. one. We see in S9E23 that Ted left the wedding pretty early when the band was still playing so I don't think it could've already been after midnight. I think it was still Sunday maybe around 10 p.m. or something. So by that logic, he must've met Tracy on Sunday.

Also, the whole "nothing good ever happens after 2 a.m." and older Ted explicitly said that Luke's birth was the exception to that rule. I think if Ted and Tracy actually met at 3 a.m. then that would've counted as an exception too.

I know I'm being too nit-picky with this but I just hate these kinds of things. I just want to know whether Ted and Tracy met on the actual day of the wedding or if it was a day later. Do you have any more insights or thoughts on this? Maybe a scene where Ted says they met ON the day of Barney and Robin's wedding because I feel like there is...