Should I accept that I won't save the world?
I remember being the smartest kid in school and having people joke about how one day I'd cure cancer or something, but now I'm 27 and although I've daydreamed for years about helping bring humanity towards a socialist utopia, I realize I have developed no useful skills. I enjoy writing sometimes though, and writing would be a great hobby/ path to go down and maybe explore these ideas, but ultimately it's really a logistics and political issue, and I don't know if those are skills I have the interest in developing in my lifetime. Though at the very least I can hopefully write a bit about the future I want to see, and who knows, Marx and Confucius and so many others have written works that have changed societies.
I've been thinking about how we only live about 4000 weeks, and I'm over a quarter done. I know I have so many opportunities open to me for a great career and maybe settling down and having a family or whatever if I so choose (I'd be happy with a home gym and a cat!). There's probably other smart people out there who are really passionate about saving the world and are going to do so, so maybe I shouldn't feel guilty if I don't? Maybe it's better to choose a career where I enjoy showing up to work everyday, or start a business or something. I'm right now considering either taking a loan and going back to school for computer science or joining my country's military as a Military Police Officer or another Officer role (my B.A. was in criminology though and I find that a bit interesting. Regardless, military experience could help me get some further interesting jobs in my government). No matter what, I know I could find a good job and have a good career. The big obstacle is not beating myself up for not working on fixing the world, and just doing something small that pays the bills and I enjoy.
But I also wonder, if on my deathbed, I'd regret having chosen a "good life" and not tried to do anything greater.
What are all of your thoughts on the matter? I'm sure this is relatable in some way to some of you.