Tell me if I should be upset or not

There was a murder suicide in my area recently and I shared the post on facebook with this caption “Trust your gut.. If you’re in a dangerous position, don’t write it off… “he/she would never do that… they’re harmless..” protect yourself. 💔”

Then my best friend and I had this conversation when she seen I had shared that post:

Her: Crazy that he thought it had to come to death of the both of them.

Me: Right….? So sad.. the anguish that he must have been feeling to actually pull the trigger.. sad. And those poor boys

Her: He pulled it twice... ughhh. Damn, I love your words. I can always tell when you've been reading a very descriptive book

Me: lol what do you mean

Her: So you read a good book.. sometimes you project the writing into your own writing.. I do once in a while, too. Yours was beautifully written. Which was the compliment I was going for, lol

Me: aww, well thanks!

Idk how to feel about it. She’s suggesting what I wrote was beautifully written, I don’t think so. I do like writing, I want to write a book and have written “beautiful” things. This was very basic writing. But if she’s thinking that I’m projecting from a book I’m reading…. The books I read are usually about fucking… so idk about that. The stuff that I write is coming right from this ole brain. Lol. I’m not going to say anything to her about this but I’m wondering if I am the only one that sees this as a negative compliment..?