M 27, Indian looking to join FFL

Hi guys, I am 27, Indian right now in the UK. I am fairly educated with a masters degree in Finance. I want to settle in Europe but couldn't find any way to do so. FFL seems a right opportunity for me.

My passion for military: My father served in Air Force and being brought up around soldiers I really value the kind of life the lead. In my eyes it is a respectful job, keeps you physically fit and active. Growing up I always wanted to joined armed forces and tried my best to join the officer rank but couldn't get through the final round. Hence I immigrated to the UK as a student but here the job market is tough which forced me to look for other way to find a job and settle in Europe. FFL offers me a respectable job, army life (my passion) and French passport.

I keep on following military news because even after these years my heart is still feels for joining the forces. I came to know about FFL and got interested in it. I have gone through the website thoroughly. I am looking for some advice from the people in FFL on what can I expect while working in FFL? Am I downgrading my education by joining FFL because I have masters degree and generally the kind of people joining FFL don't have degrees? What's the career progression like? How's the family life of a person in FFL if they want to raise a family in France?