UPDATE Flamescans Situation
Flamescans will be returning in the future. This has been confirmed on the official Discord server in an announcement made by Akio. The announcement is as follows:Dear readers,
I know the last couple of days have been hectic. I’d like to thank you for your patience with all the changes and announcements so far.
After a lengthy discussion, we decided to go through a full rebrand process. Currently, we are setting up a completely new website and domain to transfer all the data, too. We will be rebranding with a new name: Flamecomics.
We will also adjust the management process in hopes of a smoother operation. Sx and I will be stepping down from our active roles as admins.
I'd like to thank all of you for sticking through our journey as Flame scans. We hope you continue with us in the new phase ahead.
Thank you,
Sx and Aiko
Akio later discussed the reasons for stepping down. The reasons are that they have been doing this for 4~5 years, their health has improved and they felt that it was time to start a new chapter in their lives. They will however still be acting as consultants for Flamescans and will still be hanging around the community.
The new site is up but nothing is currently available, and only shows that the site is undergoing maintenance and has a link to the discord server. No set time for full release is available at this time.
New site link is the new name and .com
I will try my best to keep you all updated on the situation