Roadrunner 1.0 - Y drift
The team that I mentor (Skeleton Army 23644) is using Mechanum drive train and 3 wheel odometry be GoBilda and Roadrunner 1.0
While getting ready for the season they were working on a training platform we have (with the same configuration above) and managed to master well the roadrunner and managed to make complicated routes on the arena autonomously
When we transferred the dead wheels to our main platform strange things started to happen when trying to use roadrunner to move the robot.
The mechanical and electronical connections are OK, the two par wheels are connected to encoder port 0 and 3 as we saw in several posts that they are more accurate and sensitive. We checked the mechanical positions and connection several times
The strangest thing is that we move it to the side along the X axis and the Y position and the heading is also changing! When moving right the Y is drifting positivelly when moving left it is declining.
The movement was both in auto mode, test mode or teleop against the wall of the arena (so it should move only one direction). They repeated all off the alignment and calibration several time but at the end we came to the same result of Y drifting (a drift of more than 5 centimetres on 1m of lateral movement)
Any suggestions how to continue to debug this phenomena ?