IELTS Reading: Yes/No/Not Given
Hi all,
I recently watched a video about common reading mistakes that IELTS candidates make, and I found an example regarding Yes/No/Not Given type questions that confused me. Below is the relevant context (source: link):
In terms of its environmental impact, in contrast to cow and almond milk, soy uses very little water, and, according to Dr. Karim, its land use and greenhouse gas emissions are negligible. The problem with soy milk is its popularity, not as a milk, but as a feed for livestock. It turns out that large parts of the Amazon rainforest are being cleared to grow soybeans. Abdul Karim recommends, again, that people choose soymilk with soybeans sourced from countries other than Brazil.
The question is:
Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer?
Choose YES if the statement reflects the claims of the writer
Choose NO if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer
Choose NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks
Statement: The Amazon rainforest is being destroyed for soymilk production.
Answer: NO
I'm confused by this answer. From my understanding, large parts of the Amazon rainforest are being cleared to grow soybeans, which are used for soymilk production. Therefore, I believe the answer should be YES.
Could someone please correct me and explain if I'm misunderstanding something?
Thanks in advance!