I've found that building Edgar Markov with general Vampire good stuff makes the deck less viable

I know the general consensus is that Edgar is busted as is, but when I play him at my LGS, I've never won a game with him. Skill issue most likely, I know. But I didn't want to go the route of just throwing in dozens of low costed vamps to overwhelm the board. I wanted to play more good stuff Vamps like Elenda, Vein Ripper, Olivia, Bloodletter, etc., but I find that I'm usually never the threat at the table, and even if I do build a scary board, one board wipe is usually enough to take me out of the game essentially.

I'm not a super skilled MtG player to be honest. I'm alright with sequencing my plays, but I can misplay pretty often and I'm not great at thinking several turns ahead, I'll admit.

I've tried different iterations of the deck as well. More token themed and making multiple tokens with things like [[Anointed Procession]]. I built Vamp Aristocrats. I tried hyper aggro with more low cost Vamps and haste enablers, as well as plenty of lords and things like [[Fervent Charge]]. But even then I'm super susceptible to board wipes and such. I do run things like [[Teferi's Protection]] and [[They Shall Know No Fear]].

I haven't had much success with the deck to be honest and it has me thinking about breaking it apart. How does the community usually go about building Edgar? Maybe I can get some new ideas and restore my faith in him. 🤣