What's the most mismatch power level game you've seen in EDH content?

I'm just curious as to what people's clear examples of mismatched power levels in EDH content are. For me, Game Knights #43 is a clear example of this. All 4 players were told to bring "high power" decks to the table, and a quick look at the decklists show that Jimmy, Josh and Ashlen went with "high power value/synergy lists" whereas Cassius went with "cEDH without fast mana" type of powerful, easily tiding over the entire match in an uninteresting way.
Mind you, I think it would've been a lot more fun had the other three brought their optimization up, of course, or if Cass brought it down. But having it be this way was just not a great experience to watch, so I can't imagine it was a great experience to play.

https://youtu.be/Y0Q4eOxzjjo?list=PLyLzs6vB3Xk75kjIm45DQLrR8oT63_OvD (Episode, for reference. One look at the decklists is obviously going to show this game would naturally skewer towards one player.)

That's nothing to say that Jimmy, Josh and Ashlen's deck are in the $900-1500 range, whereas Cass' deck rounds out at an easy $13,000. Even without the literal P9 piece he brought, his deck clocks in at $7000. Price won't determine everything, of course, but it's also not like it is meaningless. Proxying is fine, but the value of a deck (measured with cheapest available versions) can also be a rough estimate as to the ballpark it can swing in.

Obviously, this happens in real life, but it feels odd to see in content. Especially in GK, which is known for curating viewer experience to feel satisfying (which I personally do not mind). This was, evidently, not that.

What did you think about that game? What would be your examples of this?

After a closer look at the decklist, I think my complaint holds even more water.
Cass' deck runs Mana Vault, Chrome Mox & Mox Diamond, Ad Nauseam, alongside an early Thoracle winline (easily definable by turn 3). That would, 3 years ago (when this was made) been a fringe to mid tier actual cEDH list. The other decks are not even close to that ballpark.
"High power" does not mean cEDH.